Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of USB C. They really nailed it. I like how you don’t have to worry about which way up the connector goes. I’m just keen to see where they're going to take the franchise next.
I didn’t do much stand-up this week, but I did see several extremely different comedy shows which were inspiring in their different ways. See the recommendations part at the end to find out what I saw!
I’ve also been really getting into the fusion cuisine they serve at this little place around the corner from me:

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Dates for the rest of October:
The gig on Monday has changed! Don’t go to the Kilburn one, come to:
Monday 11th October 7:30pm (doors 7:15) - Groovie Grove, Hammersmith
Tickets £5.98 from
Grove Bar & Restaurant, 83 Hammersmith Grove, London, W6 0NQ
Tuesday 12th October 7ish - Groovie Grove, Hammersmith
Same venue as above. Not my usual act: I will be performing as the UK’s only stand-up who is also a dog (in some sense). Underdeveloped.
Sunday 17th October 7ish - Groovie Grove, Hammersmith
Are you sensing a pattern here?
Wednesday 20th October 7ish - Groovie Grove, Hammersmith
MC Ed Mulvey! I’m going to keep playing this venue until everyone learns that Hammersmith isn’t some perilous kingdom that is dangerous to venture into. It’s a myth that if you eat any of the food while you’re in Hammersmith, you are cursed to stay there forever. And don’t worry: if you die in Hammersmith, you don’t die in real life.
Monday 25th October 7pm (doors 6:30) - LOLipops Comedy, Kilburn
This is the gig I was supposed to be doing this Monday, but things changed. BRINGER so please let me know if you are up for this. It’s free and I’ll buy your drinks.
Carlton Tavern, 33 Carlton Vale, London, NW6 5EU
Tuesday 26th October 8pm (doors 7:30) - Angel Comedy RAW
Excited to be doing this one! Should be a great night.
Free, so get there early as it may fill up.
The Camden Head, 2 Camden Walk, London, N1 8DY - note that there are two Camden Heads that are comedy venues, the other one is at 100 Camden High Street (where Ivor Dembina does his Israel show)… don’t mix them up!
Thursday 28th October 8pm - Downstairs at The King’s Head
This is a great venue and there will be pro comedians on the bill after you’ve sat through my shit. Nice food too. Strongly recommended.
£5 in advance from or £6 on the door
King’s Head, 2 Crouch End Hill, London N8 8AA
You can’t act on this now, but I saw Luis J. Gomez do a one-night only show in London and he was hilarious. Check out his podcasts Legion of Skanks and Real Ass Podcast - the hosts are a bunch of American bros, but very funny all the same. Imagine Joe Rogan if he wasn’t an unfunny moron.
Anything Goes at the Barbican Theatre is very enjoyable. Obviously the songs are great (if you’re Gen X you know one of them from the opening of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom). Because it’s based on a musical from the 1930s, it’s full of edgy jokes about sexual assault in taxis, suicide (due to Wall Street crashing), ‘gypsy’ ancestry making you horny… And because the target audience is older, nobody has got mad and tried to shut it down yet. Robert Lindsay does some very mild yellowface, but it’s tastefully handled.
Everyone is angry about Dave Chapelle’s new Netflix special. I haven’t watched it yet, and neither have the angry people.
I recently found out that Katherine Ryan has a podcast but she is following the Sarah Silverman model of having no guests and lots of ad reads, so I don’t really like it. Only Tim Dillon can pull off a solo podcast. I recommend listening to her autobiography on Audible instead.
That’s it.